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German PV Market Executive Briefing 2010

Datum: 11.5.2010 - 11.11.2010
Veranstaltungsart: Konferenz

2009 was the year of the crisis but the real challenges still lie ahead!

In 2010 the German PV market is facing significant changes. In the second half of 2009 the market even outstripped the most optimistic expectations. Germany once more approved to be a reliable safeguard for the PV industry. And here is the risk: With the drastic change of the promotion scheme the world strongest PV market is facing an even bigger challenge.

Can Germany maintain its leading role in the global PV market? And how can companies sustain a successful position?

Strengthen your business – both in Germany and the worldwide PV market – by taking part in the German PV Market Executive Briefing on May 11th in Frankfurt am Main organised by Solarpraxis together with EuPD Research.

The following topics will be addressed:

- What are suitable strategies for your company in times of uncertainty?

- How to react to shrinking margins and shifts in segmentations?

- What are the prospects of PV in Germany in the post-promotion era?

Profit from the early bird discounts by registering before 1st April 2010!

Severine Schniepp
Zinnowitzer Str. 1
10115 Berlin
030-726 296 300
030-726 296 309

Vorherige Veranstaltung:
20. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie
Nächste Veranstaltung:
RENEXPO® Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:46