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Thin-Film Industry Forum 2010

Datum: 22.4.2010 - 23.4.2010
Veranstaltungsart: Konferenz

The 2nd "Thin-Film Industry Forum" on April 2010 in Berlin will look at all the issues around thin-film technology - from the political environment, through international market development, finance and marketing, to sales, production capacity, availability of materials, quality assurance and recycling.

The Thin-Film Industry Forum will form a key event that will bring the players of the solar industry together with representatives from politics, the financial world, the press and the industry's suppliers.

Between the sessions, the forum will offer excellent networking opportunities in a relaxed atmosphere.

Miriam Hegner, Solarpraxis

030-726 296 300
030-726 296 309

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Umwelt 2010 Flensburg Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:40