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PV Power Plants EU - 2010

Datum: 25.1.2010 - 26.1.2010
Veranstaltungsart: Konferenz

PV Power Plants 2010 – EU
25th/26th January 2010, Prague, Czech Republic

Ensuring the Success of Utility-Scale PV Projects –
through complete understanding

The Market

For many years photovoltaics has been a prime technology for the supply of small-scale decentralized energy. However, with falling costs, advances in technology and new areas of application the size of PV systems has grown dramatically. Plants of three-digit MWp are in the planning stage and GWp plants are already being evaluated.

The world of small solar systems costing a few thousand dollars has mushroomed into one of huge projects requiring the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. Small systems with outputs in the kWp area are easy to integrate into the power grid. They are steadily extended through the addition of more generation units.

These multi-MWp systems present entirely new challenges for grid-integration. Along with the larger output, comes increased responsibility for the plant operator in terms of network stability.

Planning and construction of the MWp first plants in the years 2004 - 2008 were hindered by market scarcity of modules as well as by unclear market conditions, particularly in Spain. So, for example, plants had to be built with differing module types, quality assurance was often patchy, and plant construction was slow. However rolling forward to 2009, multi-MWp plants are now being supplied by the established plant manufacturers, to proven quality standards.

Along with the falling cost of modules, pressure is growing for swift reductions in installation time and costs. In addition, international standards for Total Quality Management and Intelligent Network-Integration must be established. For investors, the complex matrix of criteria for comprehensive project evaluation must become more transparent.

The Conference

PV Power Plants is the world‘s first conference to focus exclusively on “Utility-Scale Solar Power Plants, ” the market segment for systems that require very high capital investment.

Solarpraxis, with its engineering background, undertook numerous yield assessments and project support activities in 2008 for > 200 MWp projects.

Their experience will ensure that the programme addresses the truly crucial issues facing the industry today.

Your benefit

The enormous investments required for large solar installations demand thorough risk assessment capabilities combined with comprehensive understanding of the technology, markets and industry developments.

The conference will provide this know-how. It will be a crucial event for all investors, planners and components suppliers of PV Power Plants.

Take this opportunity to meet the world‘s top experts and to forge contacts with new business partners!

The Location

Having the Czech Republic as host of an international photovoltaic conference for the first time throws the spotlight on the new markets of Eastern Europe. This location will also provide a politically significant signal for the solar market in Eastern Europe, underline the sector's importance to the Czech government and promote the activities of Czech solar companies.

Participants here will receive, in concise form, a glimpse of the opportunities in the "emerging markets" (including the PV power-plant segment), such as in East and South East Europe, Turkey and Israel.

Miriam Hegner
Zinnowitzer Straße 1
10115 Berlin
0049 (0) 30 726 296 304
0049 (0) 30 726 296 309

Vorherige Veranstaltung:
Planung und Dimensionierung einer PV-Anlage
Nächste Veranstaltung:
2. Solarthermie-Technologiekonferenz Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:32