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Small PV-Applications

Datum: 25.5.2009 - 26.5.2009
Veranstaltungsart: Symposium

We are preparing a symposium which shall be dedicated in particular to the questions of small 'off-grid' electricity supply with PV. A scientific committee, selected from the most experienced actors worldwide from industry, from academia and from market development and financing is organizing this event.

The symposium will concentrate on the following fields of applications:

- power for remote rural households in
which do not need a distribution grid,
typically known as 'Solar Home
- power for off-grid civil infrastructure
like schools, medical clinics, churches,
mosques and temples, administration
offices, water pumping and the like,
- power for industrial infrastructure like
telecommunication equipment or
remote sensing,
- power for integrated equipment which
needs 'no
power supply' like solar lanterns, solar
lights, solar radios and the like.

We hope, that you will be open to discuss all aspects of these small PV applications, from the components, including the batteries or other alternatives for energy storage, to the systems, from market development to the questions of financing.

We are looking forward to seeing you in May.

OTTI e. V.
Wernerwerkstr. 4
93049 Regensburg
0049 (0)941/29688-29
0049 (0)941/29688-54

Vorherige Veranstaltung:
Power Electronics for Photovoltaics
Nächste Veranstaltung:
Projektkoordinator Erneuerbare Energien Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:33