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Photovoltaics Summit 2008

Datum: 18.6.2008 - 20.6.2008
Veranstaltungsart: Konferenz

Solar power offers an alternative to dirty fuels, yet further developments are needed to increase efficiency and lower costs of solar technology. Scientific breakthroughs are resulting in solar cells that are increasingly lightweight, flexible, efficient, and competitive as investments in solar technology are being made by governments and businesses alike. Photovoltaic technologies have the potential to meet the global demand for clean, abundant power, but continued research and investment is essential. The question is not whether solar technologies will become as efficient and cost effective as other sources of power generation, but when.

Photovoltaics Summit 2008 will bring together experts who can address these issues, discuss current progress and offer viable ways forward. Attendees will focus on assessing markets and advances in solar technologies, including market size and growth potential, technical advances and setbacks, application trends, and production economics. There will also be a number of networking functions and an exhibit area to view the latest technological developments.

San Diego, CA USA
Hilton San Diego Resort

Chandra Leister

+1 207 781 9602

Vorherige Veranstaltung:
Monitoring von PV-Systemen
Nächste Veranstaltung:
Renewable Energy Exhibition 2008 Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:43