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5th Conference Power-to-Gas

Datum: 16.3.2016 - 16.3.2016
Veranstaltungsart: Tagung

OTTI welcomes you to a special day on Power-
to-Gas – focusing on the industrial
implementation and further development of
technology and framework conditions.

Energy storage has become a major topic in the
European energy union. Power-to-Gas and
Power-to-X play a vital role in this
transformation of Europe‘s energy systems.

Besides fundamental research laying the ground
for industrial implementation, there are various
Power-to-Gas and Power-to-Fuel pilot plants and
demonstration facilities that show the technical
feasibility of this new technology.
An outlook and update of the developing
markets, frameworks and economic business
models concludes the event.
Meet the major players and experts in this
extraordinary and vivid field of energy storage.

Please register at to learn more
about the newest scientific and technological
advances in the field of renewable energy

Leonore Nanko
Wernerwerkstraße 4
93049 Regensburg

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EMB/Zertifikat Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:50