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RENEXPO® PV & Energystorage

Datum: 26.11.2015 - 28.11.2015
Veranstaltungsart: Messe, Kongress

RENEXPO® PV & Energystorage
The conference trade fair will focus on this two topics and show the latest trends and offers room for new visions as well as discussions on practical solutions. With its combination of a trade fair, conferences and expert forums, the RENEXPO® PV has grown into one of the top meeting points for sustainable and international businesses in Austria.
Parallel to the exhibition will be different conferences based on the topic of PV and PV storage. Exhibitors or sponsors can still have a speech in the 3rd Conference PV storage systems and present their projects to the professionals. Other conferences will be e.g. the EU - Energy-certificate in Salzburg - Questions and Answers or the P3 - Photovoltaics practice for professionals.
30 exhibitors, 1.200 visitors and 500 conference attendees are expected.
Many foreign companies and investors see Salzburg as the “gateway to Austria”. In a 300 km radius around the city, one can reach not only Vienna, but also the Bavaria region of Germany as well as the countries of Switzerland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Italy.

Secure your stand at the RENEXPO® Hydro 2015 and request your non-binding quotation. Here quotation request.

More information:

Andreas Schweizer
Josef-Schwer-Gasse 9
5020 Salzburg
+43 662 - 8226 - 35
+43 662 - 8226 - 47

Vorherige Veranstaltung:
Einführungsseminar: Kompaktwissen Strom
Nächste Veranstaltung:
Wartung von Photovoltaik-Anlagen (für Servicetechniker). Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:18