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6th International Conference Solar Air-Conditioning

Datum: 24.9.2015 - 25.9.2015
Veranstaltungsart: Konferenz

The sixth International Conference on Solar Air Conditioning concludes the first decade of high level exchange on solar cooling science and technology. Renewable energies have dramatically increased their market share during the last years and many countries now approach 30% of renewable electricity and about 10 to 15% of renewable heat in the national energy mix. This has led to strong reduction in prices, especially for solar photovoltaics, while the solar thermal market only slowly gains importance. Cooling and air conditioning was always an optimal application for solar energy use, as the temporal coincidence between cooling need and solar energy conversion is better than most other uses of solar energy. In countries with cooling dominated climates solar air conditioning is an excellent technology to provide high own consumption of solar energy, offering interesting economic solutions, especially if electricity prices are high and long cooling operation hours are needed. While photovoltaic cooling seems to take the lead in reducing cooling costs, solar thermal cooling technologies offer more flexible and low-cost thermal storage and show reliable and stable operation with a long machine lifetime. A major advantage is the strong reduction of stress on the electrical networks, which often suffer due to high peak cooling loads during summer conditions. Trigeneration systems obtained when coupling cogeneration units with thermal cooling systems are also attractive solutions for highly efficient and economic cooling and can be supported with solar thermal energy. Italy with its significant cooling requirements and its advanced refrigeration industry is an excellent host of the 2015 Solar Air Conditioning Conference. Following the 3rd Conference hosted in Palermo 2009, the 6th Conference returns to Italy to celebrate 10 years of successful networking of solar cooling researchers, industrial companies and technology developers. Rome as the conference location lies in the center of Italy´s leading economic region and is a well known host of many events on refrigeration and air conditioning.

Stefan Amann
Wernerwerkstraße 4
93049 Regensburg
+49 (0)941 29688 26
+49 (0)941 29688 54

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6th International Conference Solar Air-Conditioning
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18. Internationales Anwenderforum Kleinwasserkraftwerke Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:35