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Sustainability Summit 2014

Datum: 13.10.2014 - 14.10.2014
Veranstaltungsart: Konferenz

The Sustainability Summit 2014 links researchers and experts in the fields of engineering science, economic science, natural science and humanities to address the issues of sustainability. The collaboration of many disciplines will promote an inclusive and integrated approach to sustainability that, as per the 1987 Brundtland Report: meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The Sustainability Summit 2014 will take place in the convention center "Konzerthaus" from October 13-14, 2014 in Freiburg, Germany.

Beatrix Feuerbach
Emmy-Noether-Str. 2
79110 Freiburg
(+49) 761 - 479 14-0

Vorherige Veranstaltung:
2. Deutsche Photovoltaik - Sicherheitstagung: Sicherheits- und Schutzkonzepte für PV-Anlagen in Bau
Nächste Veranstaltung:
HOAI 2013 - Spezialseminar Technische Ausrüstung Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:35