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7th International Conference on PV hybrids and mini grids

Datum: 10.4.2014 - 11.4.2014
Veranstaltungsart: Conference

It is a very encouraging sign for the members of the scientific committee and the organizer to note the larger participation from attendants outside of Europe too. The increasingly more international character of the conference broadens the topics discussed, bringing together all international experts acting in this field to discuss and present cost efficient and reliable solutions The “7th International Conference on PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid” is one of the rare opportunities for end-users, industry, experts and academia to meet and discuss the latest developments, experiences and results, present the performance of the state of the art of the technology or business models and to share the insights gained by worldwide installations.

Gabriele Struthoff-Müller
Wernerwerkstr. 4
93049 Regensburg
0941 2968829
0941 2968854

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Sachverständigenwesen und Gutachten zu Solaranlagen.
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Meistervorbereitung im SHK-Handwerk Prüfungsteil II (Fachtheorie) Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:28