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Datum: 16.4.2012 - 18.4.2012
Veranstaltungsart: Konferenz

The Scientific Program Committee of the CPV-8 conference invites you to participate in this leading event on Concentrating Photovoltaics! Keeping pace with the fast and continuous growth of the technology, representatives from every part of the CPV community will attend the conference:

Scientists and engineers
R&D experts from companies, research institutes, and universities
Companies from each link in the supply chain
Representatives from finance and investment

The conference will take place at the newly built Congress Center in Toledo, a marvelous World Heritage Town with a wonderful atmosphere, which is worth a visit in its own right.

Beatrix Feuerbach
Emmy-Noether-Strasse 2
79110 Freiburg

Vorherige Veranstaltung:
Praxisseminar Montage von Photovoltaikanlagen
Nächste Veranstaltung:
Fachkraft für Solartechnik - TÜV Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 23:03