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Datum: 20.9.2011 - 23.9.2011
Veranstaltungsart: Konferenz

SolarPACES is the foremost symposium for the who's who in concentrating solar power and chemical energy systems. It offers a forum for industry, research, politics and financing stakeholders within the framework of a scientific conference programme with leading world experts.
The conference will offer in depth:
• Insight into new developments in technology, politics, the market and financing presented by top experts in the field;
• A scientific conference programme with leading world experts and particular emphasis on recent research results;
• A forum for industry, research, politics and financing stakeholders to discuss the future of concentrating solar energy.

Beatrix Feuerbach
Emmy-Noether-Str. 2
79110 Freiburg

Vorherige Veranstaltung:
Bürgerwerkstatt: Energietechnologien für die Zukunft
Nächste Veranstaltung:
Centrosolar - Schletter Befestigunssystem Seminar Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:49