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Solar Industry Summit UK 2011 London

Datum: 12.5.2011 - 13.5.2011
Veranstaltungsart: Konferenz

The Solar Industry Summit - UK brings the players from across the solar industry together with representatives from politics, the financial world, the press and industry suppliers. This leading industry conference offers talks on all current issues facing the sector today. It focuses particularly on the political environment, market developments, technology, financing and marketing.

Topics of the Solar Industry Summit - UK 2011 will be:

* The solar market in the UK: current situation and expectations
* Market situation and perspectives for solar energy worldwide
* Political framework and the UK Feed-in Tariff
* MCS Certification
* Financing and bankability
* Marketing strategies
* Quality and quality assurance
* Supply and demand
* Solar equipment and material supply industries
* PV components and its delivery situation
* Cost structures
* Designing of solar plants
* etc.

Anika Sperling
Zinnowitzer Straße 1
10115 Berlin
+49 (30) 72 62 96-310

Vorherige Veranstaltung:
Centrosolar Photovoltaik-Anlagen-Sachkundenachweis, TÜV Rheinland
Nächste Veranstaltung:
Photovoltaik-Anlagen - Sachkundenachweis Impressum | Neue Einträge | Top Links | Top Partner | 09.03.2025 22:26